How to Drive Innovation in Contract Management

A whitepaper on how relational contracting may be the new idea you've been looking for.

Whitepaper | 11 min read
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Want to be known as an innovator? For many organisations, contract management is a function in need of change, presenting a massive opportunity for any aspiring thought leader.

In this whitepaper, we share a number of cutting-edge approaches been put into practice by contract management professionals, as well as how you can follow in their footsteps.

Click the button below to download this helpful and printable PDF.

    Key Takeaways

  • Contract management is a gold mine for any would-be innovator in an organisation, but legal professionals are traditionally risk adverse.
  • True innovation comes when you stop focusing on risk and price-reduction, and more on relationships and communication.
  • Focusing on relationships and strategy involves finding ways to remove “Administrivia” – routine contract management tasks that are trivial, uninteresting, and time-consuming.

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